how to update openoffice 2.2 from rpm to deb

1) install open office in /tmp/ witht he wget command
#wget -bc

2)it downloa a tar file , so untar it
tar -xzvf opeoddive.version2.2.tar

3) it will create a openoffice folder
#cd opoenffice 2.2
# ls ( you will see RPM packages )
#cd RPM

4)There will be a desktop intergation folder --- > got to deskto intergartion
folder ( copy this to back to RPM folder )

5)@agnello ]# cd RPM
@agnello ]# alien -i *.rpm

this will create deb packages
Now Make a dir called in tmp and move all the deb packages to the deb dir
@agnello ]# cd /tmp/deb
@agnello ]#dpkg -i *.deb

This will install al the deb packages .


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