#steps to set up a website
echo -e " Enter you domain name "
read domain
domain_user=` echo $domain |sed s/\.com/com2631/g `
tmp_name=` echo $domain |sed s/\.com//g `
passwd_file=`cat /etc/passwd |grep $domain |sed s/:/\ /g |awk '{print $1}'`
if [ ! -d /websites/"$domain" ]; then
if [ "$domain_user" != "$passwd_file" ]; then
useradd -d /websites/"$domain" -s /sbin/nologin "$domain_user"
echo -e " created domain $domain "
echo -e "adding ftp user "
read -p "Please enter the password for user $domain_user" p
(echo $p; echo $p ) | /usr/local/pureftpd/bin/pure-pw useradd "$domain_user" -f /usr/local/pureftpd/etc/pureftpd.passwd -u "$domain_user" -d /websites/"$domain" -m
echo -e " adding user sucessful "
echo -e "creating directory structure "
mkdir /websites/"$domain"/web /websites/"$domain"/logs /websites/"$domain"/private /websites/"$domain"/data /websites/"$domain"/cgi-bin
echo -e "sucessfully created directory structure "
echo -e " we chang the permission for the the $user "
chmod 711 /websites/"$domain"/ && chmod 711 /websites/"$domain"/*
echo -e " we change the ownership for the $domain "
chown "$user":"$user" /websites/"$domain" && chown "$user":"$user" /websites/"$domain"/*
echo -e " changes for $user was sucessful "
echo -e "Creating the Vhost directive domain $domain "
echo -e "
ServerAdmin admin@"$tmp_name".sys.qualiproj.com
ServerName "$tmp_name".sys.qualiproj.qualispace.com
ServerAlias www."$tmp_name".sys.qualiproj.qualispace.com
DocumentRoot /websites/"$domain"/web
<Directory /websites/"$domain"/web>
Options -MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog /websites/"$domain"/logs/"$tmp_name".sys.qualiproj.error_log
CustomLog /websites/"$domain"/logs/"$tmp_name".sys.qualiproj.access_log common
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/websites/"$domain"/cgi-bin/"
<Directory "/websites/"$domain"/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -Includes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
" >> /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd_vhost.conf
echo -e "Sucessfully created the Vhost directive domain $domain "
echo -e " restarting httpd "
/etc/init.d/httpd graceful
echo -e "copying test html page to web folder "
cp -R /websites/agnello.com/web/bob.html /websites/"$domain"/web/index.html
echo -e "done "
echo -e " you can now log on to http://www."$tmp_name".sys.qualiproj.qualispace.com"
echo -e "the user for this doamin already exist"
echo -e "the domin $domain already exist"