Perlmod is a program that will help you manage Perl Modules.

A Perl module is a discrete component of software for the Perl
programming language. Technically, it is a particular set of
conventions for using Perl's package mechanism that has become
universally adopted.[discuss] A module defines its source code to be
in a package (much like a Java package), the Perl mechanism for
defining namespaces, e.g. CGI or Net::FTP or XML::Parser; the file
structure mirrors the namespace structure (e.g. the source code for
Net::FTP is in Net/ Furthermore, a module is the Perl
equivalent of the class when object-oriented programming is employed

Now we'll see an easy way to manage them, install, list, delete
(uninstall) from the command line.

Perlmod is a program that will help you manage Perl Modules.

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