Ansible tutorial index

Ansible Topics:


1) Ansible Inventory 
Ungrouped Hosts
Grouped Hosts
Groups of Groups

2) Ansible Server Installation.
Ansible Server Configuration file
- Update Username
- Update Keys
- Update SSH Parameters
- Update Roles
- Update Inventory
- Update MISC paramerters
How ansible picks the configuration

3) Setting up SSH KEYS to and checkig connection to remote nodes.

4) Ansible Facts.
- Default facts from nodes
- Create custom facts on nodes.
- How to print facts

5) Ansible Playbooks
- Define and use of 'hosts' parameter
- Define and use of 'become' parameter
- Define and use of 'gather_facts' parameter
- Define and use of 'tasks' parameter
- Define and use of 'vars' parameter
- Define and use of 'vars_files' parameter
- Define and use of 'vars_prompt' parameter
- Define and use of 'handlers' parameter
- Define and use of 'roles'

List of Modules to be discussed:
- setup 
- ping
- yum
- yum_repository
- service
- copy
- get_url
- shell
- command
- set_fact
- authorized_key
- user
- debug
- file
- find
- fetch
- hostname 
- include
- include_vars
- mail
- package 
- stat 
- unarchive
- gce
- ec2
- wait_for
- wait_for_connection

- Conditions
- when
- Loops
- with_items

- How to store output of one task and use it in another task.
- variables from:
- vars
- vars_files
- vars_prompt
- vars from inventory hosts
- vars from inventory groups
- Roles

6) Roles
- Create Role
- Define Role
- Write roles
- Role Dependencies
- Variables from Roles
- Variable Precendence.

- Ansible Vault
- Ansible Pull
- Ansible Galaxy

8) Ansible in Real Time

7) Ansible Tower
- Role-based access control
- Job scheduling
- Portal mode
- Fully documented REST API
- Tower Dashboard
- Cloud integration

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