Back up server module ( using RSYNC and cygwin )
On the linux server end
Apt-get install rsync
/etc/init.d/rsync start
Edit the vi /etc/default/rsync
Change RSYNC_ENABLE=false to true
sysv-rc-conf –levels 1235 rsync on
Now we create a rsync.conf in /etc/
Vi /etc/rsyncd.conf
path = /home/agnello/backup
comment = all agnello's backup
uid = agnello
gid = users
read only = false
auth user = agnello
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
chown root:root /etc/rsyncd.conf
chmod 644 /etc/rsyncd.conf
Now we create the rsyncd.secrets in the /etc dir this is used for the windows client for passwordless login to the linux server ( it s in the format usename:password )
vi /etc/rsyncd.secrets
chown root:root /etc/rsyncd.secrets
chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.secrets
Create user
Adduser agnello
Mkdir /home/agnello/backup
All data will be backed up in this directory
On the client side ( windows xp ) ( make sure you are loged in as administrator )
Install cygwing on you windows machine
at the time of installation it will give a option to install certain application install the following
Editors = Install nano for use as a simple text editor
Net = install rsync for remote sync
Create a batch file with following
@echo off
rem Rsync job control file
C:\Cygwin\bin\rsync -vrtz --password-file=c:\cygwin\secret --delete "/cygdrive/c/Data" agnello@
An explanation:
C:\Cygwin\bin\rsync - is the full path to ' rysync.exe'.
-vrtz - verbose (tell us what is being copied), recursive (descend into directories), transfer modification times, z (compress data).
--password-file=c:\cygwin\secret - Path to 'secret' file. (Note: Remember this is for backup to a Linux based Rsync Server; a Windows based Rsync Server cannot authenticate!)
--delete - delete remote files that are deleted locally.
/cygdrive/d/Data - in this example means D:\Data.
agnello@192.168..244::agnellobackup - is the user ID, hostname (can be IP address if over Local Network), and the module connection name (in this example 'modulename').
Now to create the password ( same as /etc/rsyncd.secrets ) on the windows client for passwordless login
Go to C:/cygwin/ run cygwin
Go to cd /
Create a secret ( vi secret ) with content agnello give it 600 permission
Now create a scheduled tals to rund every day ( if you want to run it in minimized mode , create short cut of the batch file --- go to its properties ---- run minimized