apache - (13)Permission denied: access to

(13)Permission denied: access to / failed because search permissions are missing on a component of the path
would always be a permission issue !!


How to connect from a remote mail server to a dedicated spamassissin server

install spamassissin
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::SpamAssassin'

vi /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf

rewrite_header Subject *****SPAM*****
trusted_networks 216.185.xx

now to start spamd so that remote mail server can connect through
spamc ( client )

spamd -u spamd -d -i -s /var/log/spamd.log --allowed-ips 216.xx.xx.xx

-d is saemonize spamd
-i is interface
-s sys logging

see if the the interfaces and ipaddress are allowed.

[root@vps1 ~]# netstat -nap |grep tcp
tcp 0 0*
LISTEN 8181/spamd.log --al
tcp 0 0*
LISTEN 23902/httpd
tcp 0 0*
LISTEN 23849/sshd
tcp 0 0 216.185.xx.xx:783 216.xx.xx.55:4317
CLOSE_WAIT 8183/spamd child

chk the ps

ps -aux |grep spam


how to install drupal on debian etch

1. create a directory  /var/www/drupal/
cd  /var/www/drupal/
tar -xzvf drupal-6.0-beta1.tar.gz
2. set the permissions for  /var/www/drupal/sites/default and  /var/www/drupal/sites/default/setting.php
chmod o+w  /var/www/drupal/sites/default
chmod o+w  /var/www/drupal/sites/default/setting.php
3. create a database drupal  and assign/creat a user for it
mysqladmin -u root -pagnello create drupal 
log into mysql and use drupal db
GRANT ALL ON drupal.* to 'agnello'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'agnello';
4. edit the following vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default ( using name based virtual hosting )

<VirtualHost *>
        # Basic setup
        ServerAdmin webmaster@test-server.com
        ServerName drupal.test-server.com
        ServerAlias drupal.test-server.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www/drupal/

# HTML documents, with indexing.
        <Directory />
        Options +Includes

# CGI Handling
#  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/www/www.foo.com/cgi-bin/
# <Location /cgi-bin>
#  Options +ExecCGI
# </Location>

         ErrorLog  /var/log/test-server.com/drupla/error.log
         CustomLog /var/log/test-server.com/drupal/access.log combined

restart apache 2
5. run the following link on ur browser http://drupal.test-server.com
now configure the setting use the  the same user name and password for db wen asked  !!!!!!!


how to install ajaxim on debian etch - web chat client

1. create a directory  /var/www/ajaxim/
cd  /var/www/ajaxim/
unzip 3.22
2. edit the /var/www/ajaxim/config.php
// MySQL Database Configuration
$sql_user   = 'agnello';
$sql_pass   = 'agnello';
$sql_host   = 'localhost';
$sql_db     = 'ajaxim';
3. create a database ajaxim  and assign/creat a user for it
mysqladmin -u root -pagnello create ajaxim
log into mysql and use ajaxim db
GRANT ALL ON ajaxim.* to 'ajaxim'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
4. edit the following vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default ( using name based virtual hosting )

<VirtualHost *>
        # Basic setup
        ServerAdmin webmaster@test-server.com
        ServerName www.messenger.test-server.com
        ServerAlias messenger.test-server.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www/ajaxim/

# HTML documents, with indexing.
        <Directory />
        Options +Includes

# CGI Handling
#  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/www/www.foo.com/cgi-bin/
# <Location /cgi-bin>
#  Options +ExecCGI
# </Location>

         ErrorLog  /var/log/test-server.com/ajaxim/error.log
         CustomLog /var/log/test-server.com/ajaxim/access.log combined

restart apache 2
5. run the following link on ur browser http://messenger.test-server.com/install.php
now register a user and start chatting !!!!!!!!!

MySQL database tips

how to create database
mysqladmin -u root -p create joomla

how to delete user assigned for a particular database*
DELETE FROM user WHERE User='Dude3' AND Host='localhost';

how to delete permisission for particular db
DELETE FROM user WHERE User='Dude3' AND Host='localhost';

how to grant all ( permission)  to a certain database for a particular user to use this DB
 GRANT ALL ON joomla.* to 'joomla'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';

delete databse


How to install joomla on debian etch

1. install a LAMP server ... make sure to install php4-myql package..... make sure you areaq able to connect mysql through php withe following script ... add this test.php in /var/www/apache2-default/

mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuname", "$dbpass");
echo mysql_error();

2.download the joomla tar files in /var/www/joomal
3 .chmod all the directories in /var/www/joomal to 777
create database joomla
mysqladmin -u root -pthepassword create joomla

mysql -u root -p
Enter Password:
mysql> GRANT ALL ON joomla.* to 'joomla'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';
mv /var/www/joomla/configuration.php-dist to /var/www/joomla/configuration.php
edit /var/www/joomla/configuration.php
$mosConfig_lang = 'english';                            // Site language
$mosConfig_absolute_path = '/var/www/joomla';   // No trailing slash
$mosConfig_live_site = 'http://test-server.com';        // No trailing slash
$mosConfig_sitename = 'Joomla';                         // Name of Joomla site
$mosConfig_shownoauth = '0';                            // Display links & categories users don't have access to
$mosConfig_useractivation = '1';                        // Send new registration passwords via e-mail
$mosConfig_uniquemail = '1';                            // Require unique email adress for each user
$mosConfig_offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance.<br /> Please check back again soon.';
$mosConfig_lifetime = '900';                            // Frontend Session time
$mosConfig_session_life_admin = '1800';         // Admin Session Time
$mosConfig_MetaDesc = 'Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system';
$mosConfig_MetaKeys = 'joomla';
$mosConfig_MetaTitle = '1';
$mosConfig_MetaAuthor = '1';
$mosConfig_debug = '0';
$mosConfig_locale = 'en_GB';
$mosConfig_offset = '0';                                // Server Local Time
$mosConfig_offset_user = '0';                   // User Local Time
$mosConfig_hideAuthor = '0';
$mosConfig_hideCreateDate = '0';
$mosConfig_hideModifyDate = '0';
$mosConfig_hidePdf = '0';
$mosConfig_hidePrint = '0';
$mosConfig_hideEmail = '0';
$mosConfig_enable_log_items = '0';
$mosConfig_enable_log_searches = '0';
$mosConfig_enable_stats = '0';
$mosConfig_sef = '0';
$mosConfig_vote = '0';
$mosConfig_gzip = '0';
$mosConfig_multipage_toc = '0';
$mosConfig_allowUserRegistration = '1';
$mosConfig_error_reporting = -1;
$mosConfig_error_message = 'This site is temporarily unavailable.<br />Please contact your System Administrator.';
$mosConfig_link_titles = '0';
$mosConfig_list_limit = '30';
$mosConfig_caching = '0';
$mosConfig_cachepath = '/var/www/joomla/install/cache';
$mosConfig_cachetime = '900';
$mosConfig_mailer = 'mail';
$mosConfig_mailfrom = '';
$mosConfig_fromname = '';
$mosConfig_sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$mosConfig_smtpauth = '0';
$mosConfig_smtpuser = '';
$mosConfig_smtppass = '';
$mosConfig_smtphost = 'localhost';
$mosConfig_back_button = '1';
$mosConfig_item_navigation = '1';
$mosConfig_secret = 'FBVtggIk5lAzEU9H'; //Change this to something more secure
$mosConfig_pagetitles = '1';
$mosConfig_readmore = '1';
$mosConfig_hits = '1';
$mosConfig_icons = '1';
$mosConfig_favicon = 'favicon.ico';
$mosConfig_fileperms = '';
$mosConfig_dirperms = '';
$mosConfig_helpurl = 'http://help.joomla.org';
$mosConfig_editor = 'tinymce';
$mosConfig_admin_expired = '1';
$mosConfig_frontend_login = '1';
$mosConfig_frontend_userparams = '1';
$mosConfig_itemid_compat = '0';
setlocale (LC_ALL, $mosConfig_locale);                  // Country locale
chmod 777 /var/www/joomla/configuration.php
4. mkdir -p /var/log/test-server.com/
mkdir -p /var/log/test-server.com/joomla/
 edit the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and add the following
<VirtualHost *>
        # Basic setup
        ServerAdmin webmaster@test-server.com
        ServerName test.debain.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www/joomla/

# HTML documents, with indexing.
        <Directory />
        Options +Includes

# CGI Handling
#  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/www/www.foo.com/cgi-bin/
# <Location /cgi-bin>
#  Options +ExecCGI
# </Location>

         ErrorLog  /var/log/test-server.com/joomla/error.log
         CustomLog /var/log/test-server.com/joomla/access.log combined

restart apache 2

now try http://www.test-server.com/administrator/ -----> admin login

http://www.test-server.com -----> your site

all holds true if DNS settinga are changed ( i have used a internal DNS server )


How To Set Up A Ubuntu/Debian LAMP Server

1. Installing Apache + PHP

apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

2. Installing MySQL Database Server

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql


bzip2. who to extract

bunzip2 fiile_name.bzip2

this will extract the file


script to test php.info

mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuname", "$dbpass");
echo mysql_error();


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