Documentation on ServerBackup

Now On the backupserver machines mkdir /net/serverbackup ----------> location where all the tar.gz files are stored This scritpt will wget the flles from vairous server vi /usr/local/bin/serverbackup #!/bin/bash set -x DIR=/net/serverbackup SERVERINFO=/net/serverbackup/serverbackupfiles cd /net/serverbackup if [ -d $DIR ] ;then if [ -f $SERVERINFO ];then for i in `cat $SERVERINFO |awk -F "|" '{print $2}'` do `cat $SERVERINFO |grep $i |awk -F "|" '{print $3}'``date +%Y%m%d`.tgz; done else echo " serverbackupfiles does not exist " fi else echo " serverbackup dir does not exist " fi This file (serverbackupfiles) is requied by the "serverbackup" script cat /net/serverbackup/serverbackupfiles |server112|wget --user=agnello --password=username http:/// crontab -e ##for serverbackup to weget the files 0 11 * * * /usr/local/bin/serverbackup Now On the system to be backed up cd /net/serverbackup ln -s /net/serverbackup /var/www/html/serverbackup vi /usr/local/bin/serverbackupdaily #!/bin/bash # set -x backupfile1="`date '+%Y%m%d'`" backupfile="servername.$backupfile1.tgz" if cd /; then tar zcf /tmp/$backupfile --exclude-from=/etc/backup/excludedaily `cat /etc/backup/BACKUPDAILY` mv /tmp/$backupfile /net/serverbackup chown -R web.web /net/serverbackup fi exit 0 vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf #setting for serverbackup AllowOverride AuthConfig AuthName "serverBackup login" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /net/serverbackup/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null require user serverbackup Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from all htpasswd -bc /net/serverbackup/.htpasswd serverbackup password crontab -e ##for serverbackup 0 06 * * * /usr/local/bin/serverbackupdaily

script to convert mdir to mbox format

#! /bin/sh
# Get a directory name as input and convert all mail files inside
# to mbox format
# NOTE: processing of subdirectories not yet implemented correctly:
# all mails in subfolders are put into the same mbox
# (it would be better if an mbox file will be generated for
# each subfolder)
# NOTE: calculation of message date in case of 'From:' doesn't recognise
# time zones
# History:
# Feb 06 2001 Joerg Reinhardt
# - first edition
# Feb 07 2001 Joerg Reinhardt
# - added usage output
# Feb 12 2001 Joerg Reinhardt
# - mails not containing a 'From:' field but an 'X-From-Line:' or a
# 'Reply-To:' field are now recognised and also processed (e.g. put into
# the mbox file); this works fine for all my mails
# - added progress information
# - warning about corrupt files is now written to stderr

# check for argument or help argument respectively
if [[ ($1 == "") ||
  ($1 == "-h") ||
  ($1 == "--help") ||
  ($1 == "-help") ]]; then
  echo "Usage: "$0" <Xfmail-mail-directory>";

# check if parameter is a directory
if [[ -d $1 ]]; then
# set target filename
  dirname=`echo $1 | awk '{while(substr($0,length($0),1)=="/"){$0=substr($0,1,length($0)-1);}print $0;}'`;

# check if directory is empty
  if [[ `find $dirname -type f` == "" ]]; then
 echo $dirname": directory empty."
 exit 1;

# prevent automatic overwriting of target
  if [[ -e $mboxfile ]]; then \
 dialogtext="Write file "$mboxfile"?";
 if dialog --yesno "$dialogtext" 10 60; then
  rm -vf $mboxfile;
  clear; exit 1;

  echo "writing xfmail mail directory '$1' to '$mboxfile'.";

# collect files inside Xfmail mail-directory and produce MBOX format
# target file
  for i in `find $1/* -type f`; do
# output progress information
 echo -n -e \\r" "
 echo -n -e \\rprocessing $i
# look for senders email address in the order
# 'From:'
# 'X-From-Line:'
# 'Reply-To:'
 fromline=`grep 'From:' $i`;
# parse 'From:' field
 from=`echo $fromline | awk 'BEGIN{FS="<";}{if($0~/</) {pos=index($2,">");if(pos!=0) {print substr($2,1,pos-1);}} else {pos=index($0,":");print substr($0,pos+1);}}'`;
 if [[ $from == "" ]]; then
  fromline=`grep 'X-From-Line:' $i`;
  from=`echo $fromline | awk 'BEGIN{FS="Line:";}{print $2;}'`;
  if [[ $from == "" ]]; then
  fromline=`grep 'Reply-To:' $i`;
# parse 'Reply-To:' field
  from=`echo $fromline | awk 'BEGIN{FS="<";}{if($0~/</) {pos=index($2,">");if(pos!=0) {print substr($2,1,pos-1);}} else {pos=index($0,":");print substr($0,pos+1);}}'`;
  if [[ $from == "" ]]; then
  echo "WARNING: "$i": no 'From:' nor 'X-From-Line:' nor 'Reply-To:' field found." >&2;
 if [[ $shortfromflag == "true" ]]; then
# parse date field
  dateline=`grep 'Date:' $i`;
  if [[ $dateline == "" ]]; then
# set dummy date if no date field found
  dateline="Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 (GMT)";
  weekday=`echo $dateline | awk '{gsub(/,/,"",$2);print $2;}'`;
  day=`echo $dateline | awk '{print $3;}'`;
  month=`echo $dateline | awk '{print $4;}'`;
  year=`echo $dateline | awk '{print $5;}'`;
  time=`echo $dateline | awk '{print $6;}'`;
  diffGMT=`echo $dateline | awk '{print $7;}'`;
  timezone=`echo $dateline | awk '{print $8;}'`;

# output MBOX mail header
  echo "From " $from $weekday $month $day $time $year >> $mboxfile;
# output long MBOX mail header found in 'X-From-Line:' field
  echo $from >> $mboxfile;

# output mail itself
 cat $i >> $mboxfile;
  echo $1": not a directory.";

..mumbai's saddest moments ... .our cry for CHANGE

[ This article is the only article in my blog that is non technical, but some thing my heart jsut speaks out toady ]
The last two days has been the caziest in Mumbai and for the people in Mumbai ..I would like to share with you my experience for the last two day that has shook the city . The two days ( Wednesday and Thursday ) mumbia .. especially south Mumbai has seen dramatic seens from the Taj and Oberois hotels . We have lost few of our finest police force and this makes me even more angry to the core . Wednesday night as the terrorist took over the taj, we ( my mom and i ) were watching every glimpse of it on televisions ( thanks to NDTV ) till 2 am .... the visuals that we were coming across were crazy.... looked like a mini Kashmir attack ..... The next day ( Thursday ) was declared a holiday for my company and i guess most companies .... the whole day was spent glued a the visuals in the news ..
One thing i kept hearing on TV was that Mumbaikars will come back strong ..... but this statement is what we have always been saying after every such attack against the city . Mumbai is in need of change . Yes, Mumbai ( Navi -Mumbai ) is a fast pace metropolitan city ... but we tend to forget the such incident too quickly, .... it start with a major media hype through the news networks ... but as the days and weeks pass by people ...our leaders ...people in political power tend to forget .... this aggravates me even more with deeper anger within me .
Just today was i was going in my office ... i was stoped by some security guards at my office building to check my baggage ... they just opened one compartment of my baggage and left it there, ignoring to check the rest of my bag .... this is just an example of how things are going to be like in the next few weeks ....and then slowly fade away. Some times I am so ashamed at the structure and system that are in place in our city. According to the new reports .... the city is not even equipped to with proper fire brigades to pump water to reach the 6th floor of a building, with such loose system in place we can jsut imagine where i our city is heading ... security in our transports system ... especially the local trains, that i personally travel to work, where people have to squeeze and get crushed every morning just to reach their work place . We don't have the slightest security system in place , Yes we do have some few cops around the place ..but that's not going to stop any terrorist from planting a boom somewhere , We need structure and system and really concerned politicians to curb such a future attack on our city . and our Government and local political leaders need to hear our cry ... Yes the city is crying for CHANGE and today its cry ( our cry ) is the loudest ... but what a shame it has to be at the cost of 160 plus lives .
I pray today for the the brave hearts that have laid down their lives for others, and i pray for the victims and the relatives of the victims .... i know what it feels in loosing some one close . as i lost my dad this year in the mouth of January. I pray for our city and for the political leaders that they will bring about the change that is so desperately required .
Thank you for taking time out to read this article , i had tears in my eyes as i was watching few stories on the news from relatives of the victims, in this world that is so unpredictable ... hear today gone tomorrow.
Thank you !

Pen - smtp load balancer

This is pen, a load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols such as http or smtp. It allows several servers to appear as one to the outside and automatically detects servers that are down and distributes clients among the available servers. This gives high availability and scalable performance.

In this senaerio  we have two server ( server A and server B )  

server A = Load balancer with pen installed
eth0 =
server B = postfix with two instances of psotfix installed ( )
eth0 =
eth0:1  =

postfix  should be listening
[root@smtptestserver ~]# netstat -tupln |grep 25
tcp        0      0 *                   LISTEN      12077/master
tcp        0      0 *                   LISTEN      11910/master on both server

Installation of Pen on Server A
Downlaod the rpm from here
rpm -ivh  pen-0.17.2-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

This should install   /usr/bin/pen

now we need to tell pen to listen port 25 for all  incomning connections  and to distribute those connection to 50 .125 and 50.124

/usr/bin/pen -l /var/log/pen/pen.log -p /var/run/ -r

# netstat -tupln |grep pen
tcp        0      0 *                   LISTEN      14505/pen

Now try
telnet 25 from any local system   it should take you to either or


using Expect for ssh auto-login


set -x
> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
echo "Connecting to host"
konsole --new-tab -e \expect -c "set timeout -1;\
spawn ssh -l root ;\
match_max 100000;\
expect *(yes/no)?*;\
send -- yes\r;\
expect *password:*;\
send -- qwerasdf\r;\

script to get server info !!

run the following command on your linux machine 

wget -q -O |bash 

this will save a file  name ( hostname ) in /tmp/file_name  


how to create your own RPM package ( basic )

In this article we will create an rpm package frm a source tar.gz file. Here we take the example of proftpd.tar.gz

the tree stucture for rpm


|-- RPMS




let download proftpd in /usr/local/src and configure it in prefix /usr/local/proftp

tar -xzvf proftpd-cvs-20080928.tar.gz

./configure && make && make install

( you can configure with vairous switches .... with mysql support or ldap support )

Now we create the rpm

in the /usr/src/redhat/SPEC we we create a file called proftpd.spec with the following content

Summary: test rpm Name: test_rpm Version: 1 Release: 1 Vendor: agnello License: Test Group: o BuildRoot: /usr/local/proftpd AutoReq: no AutoReqProv: no %description This package contains nothing . %files %defattr(-, root, root) /bin /etc /include /lib /libexec /sbin /share /var

now we run a rpmbuild to build the i386 rpm package

rpmbuild -ba proftpd.spec

this will create a i386.rpm package in the /usr/src/redhat/RPM/ folder

rpm -ivh test_rpm-1-1.i386.rpm ---- this will intall the RPM package

done !!

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