that can create extreme machines we are yet to imagine. It is designed
to work in GDSM mode.
Once you learn how to use your biological supercomputer—your brain—in
the GDSM mode, there is no limit to what you can do.
What is this GDSM mode?
GDSM mode means Goal Driven Success Machine mode. Our brain gets into
action whenever we have serious goals or emotionalized thoughts. You
think repeatedly about something you really want. You imagine yourself
enjoying the benefits of the thing you want. This makes you emotional.
A repeated and emotionalized thought becomes a dominant thought. Your
brain takes over this dominant or emotionalized thought as a goal and
drives you to think, behave and act in a manner that takes you to your
This is a simple explanation of how your brain can make ANY of your
dreams, or fears, come true.
Here's a very common example of this mode:
You come to know about the wonderful story of a movie from your
friends or newspaper. You get interested. You imagine yourself
enjoying that movie. You repeat this imagination. Mental REPETITION
of enjoying that movie INCREASES your desire to see that movie; your
brain generates many ideas necessary to go for it— put off scheduled
business activities or bunk classes or fool parents or remove any
obstacles, till you watch the movie and enjoy it…you're hooked.
You will stop only when you see that movie!
Many such things might have happened in your life! Recall them and
identify the mechanism that worked behind such instances. Do this.
You'll discover a never failing formula to achieve anything.
The same mechanism works behind all your dreams coming true--winning
in baseball or passing exam with top grades or getting the job you
love or achieving your business goals.
Also the same mechanism works equally well in this negative example—a
person committing suicide.
Yes, for that person it is an important goal though dangerous! He or
she thinks that suicide is the easiest solution to get rid of many
troubles in life. Which is not correct, as there are many easier and
happier ways to get out of any kind of trouble.
Human brain does not think or worry about the end result, even if the
goal is to take one's own life! It simply helps the owner TO SUCCEED
in whatever he or she is SERIOUSLY imagining to achieve. Because your
brain is designed by nature to work as, "Goal Driven Success Machine!"
So BE CAREFUL of what you repeatedly think or imagine, as your brain
is designed to make your dominant thoughts and feelings come true, by
working in GDSM mode!
Also remember, your brain doesn't worry whether your dominant thoughts
or feelings lead you to loss or profit. It just AUTOMATICALLY executes
your dominant thought. And helps you get the corresponding result—it
may be failure or success!
This is the PLAIN TRUTH about your brain!
So, IF YOU THINK learning a particular subject is difficult, your
brain can make that a reality—by reducing the level of brain activity
during the processes of concentration, registration, remembering and
recalling—whenever you deal with the subject you imagine as difficult.
When these processes do not take place normally you learn little or
If you think your job is unsatisfactory, then your brain will make it
a reality by focusing on everything that is bad about your job.
All your present difficulties, poor performance in studies, career or
business and all unwanted conditions in your life are the result of
using your brain in GDSM mode--negatively.
But the good news is, you can get rid of all those unwanted
conditions--by using your brain in GDSM mode--positively!