script to add dovecot user

if [ ! $# = 1 ]
echo "Usage: $0 username@domain"
exit 1
user=`echo "$1" | cut -f1 -d "@"`
domain=`echo "$1" | cut -s -f2 -d "@"`
if [ -x $domain ]
echo "No domain given\nUsage: $0 username@domain"
exit 2
echo "Adding user $user@$domain to /etc/dovecot-users"
echo "$user@$domain::5000:5000::/home/vmail/$domain/$user/:/bin/false::"
>> /etc/dovecot-users

# Create the needed Maildir directories
echo "Creating user directory /home/vmail/$domain/$user"
# maildirmake.dovecot does only chown on user directory, we'll
create domain directory instead
if [ ! -x /home/vmail/$domain ]
mkdir /home/vmail/$domain
chown 5000:5000 /home/vmail/$domain
chmod 700 /home/vmail/$domain
/usr/bin/maildirmake.dovecot /home/vmail/$domain/$user
chown 5000:5000 /home/vmail/$domain
chmod -R vmail:vmail /home/vmail/$domain

# To add user to Postfix virtual map file and relode Postfix
echo "Adding user to /etc/postfix/vmaps"
echo $1 $domain/$user/ >> /etc/postfix/vmaps
echo $domain >> /etc/postfix/vhosts
postmap /etc/postfix/vmaps
postfix reload
echo "\nCreate a password for the new email user"
echo "Adding password for $user@$domain to /etc/dovecot-passwd"
if [ ! -x /etc/dovecot-passwd ]
touch /etc/dovecot-passwd
chmod 640 /etc/dovecot-passwd
echo "$user@$domain:$passwd" >> /etc/dovecot-passwd
/etc/init.d/dovecot restart
exit 0

wordpress : get all category names with the number of post in each category

a sql query to print all category names with the number of post in
each category for each month

"SELECT count(*), FROM wp_term_taxonomy AS
wp_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN wp_terms ON wp_term_taxonomy.term_id =
wp_terms.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships ON
wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id =
wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id INNER JOIN wp_posts ON
wp_term_relationships.object_id = wp_posts.ID WHERE
wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND
wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'category' and wp_posts.post_date like
'2011-11' GROUP BY

unix/shell scripting programming

 experience on Unix and Linux with expert knowledge of shell scripting, preferably ksh, sound knowledge of databases. Should be knowledgeable in Java. Java development experience would be desirable.
• Experience in architecting and designing solutions for batch processing using shell scripting is required. Hands-on experience in writing and debugging shell scripts that invoke j2SE or J2EE modules for at least .
• Expert knowledge of utilities like SFTP, MAIL, SORT , etc in Linux environment.
• Demonstrate ability in reverse engineering existing scripts and redesign it for better performance
• Experience with version control tool like subversion, etc.
• Good knowledge of Oracle and DB2 database from an application perspective. This includes but not limited to SQLs, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures and application performance impacted by database access 

C++ with Linux/Unix as a platform, SQL as a database and some sort of scripting knowledge i.e Perl/Shell/Python. 


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