Using CentOS 5 Repos in RHEL 5 Server

1. Remove "yum-rhn-plugin" package from RHEL, this is used to check
the activation in RHEL.

# rpm -e yum-rhn-plugin

2. Remove the "redhat-release" related packages, this is used to check
the repositories compatibility. usually we can't remove these packages
because they are used by other packages of the system for proper
fuctioning. so we'll use the "--nodeps" parameter to forcely remove
them from the system.

# rpm -e redhat-release-notes-5Server redhat-release-5Server --nodeps

3. Download & install the "centos-release" relates packages, to fill
in the gap that we made by removing the "redhat-release" related

i386 (32 bit)

x86_64 (64 bit)

4. To automatically inform about the updates in GUI, Do the following.

# nano /etc/yum/yum-updatesd.conf

In the file, type as follows under the section "# how to send notifications"

dbus_listener = yes

5. To change the OS name in the CLI login, Do the following.

# nano /etc/issue

Since we have installed the "centos-release" relates packages, the OS
name will come as "CentOS release 5 (Final)", so delete it and type

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)

Or any name you like.

6. Now your system is ready.

7. Read my guide on "CentOS Repositories"


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clear step by step instructions to update RHEL 5 using Centos supplied patches.

I've added a few updates that others may find useful.

In addition to updating the OS name and release information in /etc/issue, you may want to do the same in /etc/redhat-release.

Also an update to the names of the centos-release and centos-release-notes rpm packages.

As of mid-August 2008, the names of those packages are:


Chriss David said...

Thanks for the lesson. It works greatly. I didn't do the step 2. But it work perfectly. Thanks again.

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