to createwa dialog box to dipaly information

1. creat a file called testscript and make it executeable #vi testscript
# Script to print user information who currently login , current date & time
echo "Hello $USER"
echo "Today is ";date
echo "Number of user login " ; who | wc -l
echo "Calendar"cal
exit 0

2. we make a file caled testscritp1 and makke it chmod +x

3. we add the following script to this list
dialog --backtitle "Linux Shell Tutorial" --title "Calender"
--infobox "`./testscript`" 29 25 ; read

4. ./testscript1

parameter subsitution

Now suppose we are working in directory called
"/the/path" and I want to copy some samba
files from "/mnt/cdrom/lsoft" to my current working directory, then my
command will be something like

$cp /mnt/cdrom/lsoft/samba*.rmp /the/path

Instead of giving above command I can give command as follows

$cp /mnt/cdrom/lsoft/samba*.rmp `pwd`

Here file is copied to your working directory. See the last Parameter
substitution of `pwd` command, expand it self to
/the/path. This will save my time.

command kudzu

the kudzu command detect all the hardare configuration on your pc and
when ever you add a new hardware and run kudzu the device is written
in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf


changing you hostname

#echo > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname


if your locate command is not woking

if you update command is not woking you need to run updatedb at root

#updatedb (enter)


how to start MySqt at boot

as root:

cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld S98mysql

above was done on fedora 4 which has the same structure as Red Hat.
How does it work? /etc/rc.d/init.d contains scripts to start and stop
services on your computer. By creating a symlink to mysql startup
script in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d you're telling your system to run it during
runlevel 3 startup, which is your regular login. You can also start
and stop your services manually using files in /etc/rc.d/init.d



Network trouble shooting

1.Curl –I dipply http stayi of you website

2.netstat –an will tell the TCP ports that your server is listening .

3.netstat –nr will diplsy routing table also can use route –n

4. server connectiveit can be issues when iptabe is on or off /etc/init.d/iptables status

5.trace route tell you the hot it takes to the partaicuar IP address … traceroute –I xxx.199.113.27. Sam as tracert in dos.

6. tcpdum

DNS trouble shooting

1.Nslookup (willgive you the reverslook up of domain name )

2. whois ( willgive you detiaon on the owner of the domain)

3.last -100 ( will thell you how has log in last on your server )

4.who ( willtell you who is currently loged in )

how to instal openoffice 2.2 on a debian system

 1) install open office in /tmp/ witht he wget command
 #wget -bc

 2)it  downloa a tar file , so untar it
 tar -xzvf  opeoddive.version2.2.tar

 3) it will create a openoffice folder
 #cd opoenffice 2.2
 # ls ( you will see RPM packages )
 #cd RPM

 4)There will be a desktop intergation folder --- > got to deskto
 intergartion folder  ( copy this to back to RPM
 folder )

 5)@agnello ]# cd RPM
    @agnello ]# alien -i *.rpm

 this will create deb packages
 Now Make a dir called in tmp and move all the deb packages to the deb dir
 @agnello ]# cd /tmp/deb
 @agnello ]#dpkg -i *.deb

 This will install al the deb packages  .


how to update openoffice 2.2 from rpm to deb

1) install open office in /tmp/ witht he wget command
#wget -bc

2)it downloa a tar file , so untar it
tar -xzvf opeoddive.version2.2.tar

3) it will create a openoffice folder
#cd opoenffice 2.2
# ls ( you will see RPM packages )
#cd RPM

4)There will be a desktop intergation folder --- > got to deskto intergartion
folder ( copy this to back to RPM folder )

5)@agnello ]# cd RPM
@agnello ]# alien -i *.rpm

this will create deb packages
Now Make a dir called in tmp and move all the deb packages to the deb dir
@agnello ]# cd /tmp/deb
@agnello ]#dpkg -i *.deb

This will install al the deb packages .


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