Backup server module ( using RSYNC and cygwin )

Back up server module ( using RSYNC and cygwin )



On the linux server end


Apt-get install rsync

/etc/init.d/rsync start


Edit the  vi /etc/default/rsync

 Change RSYNC_ENABLE=false to true


sysv-rc-conf  –levels 1235 rsync on


Now we create a rsync.conf in /etc/

Vi /etc/rsyncd.conf



path = /home/agnello/backup

comment = all agnello's backup

uid = agnello

gid = users

read only = false

auth user = agnello

secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets


chown root:root /etc/rsyncd.conf

chmod 644 /etc/rsyncd.conf



Now we create the rsyncd.secrets in the /etc dir this is used for the windows client  for passwordless login  to the  linux server ( it  s in the format usename:password )  

vi /etc/rsyncd.secrets




chown root:root /etc/rsyncd.secrets

chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.secrets



Create user

Adduser agnello


Mkdir /home/agnello/backup



All data will be backed up in this directory




On the client side  ( windows xp ) ( make sure you are loged in as administrator )


Install cygwing on you windows machine              


at the time of installation it will give a option to install certain application install the following

Editors = Install nano for use as a simple text editor

 Net = install rsync for remote sync


Create a batch file with following


@echo off

rem Rsync job control file

C:\Cygwin\bin\rsync -vrtz --password-file=c:\cygwin\secret --delete "/cygdrive/c/Data"  agnello@



An explanation:


C:\Cygwin\bin\rsync    -    is the full path to ' rysync.exe'.


-vrtz    -    verbose (tell us what is being copied), recursive (descend into directories), transfer modification times, z (compress data).


--password-file=c:\cygwin\secret   -    Path to 'secret' file. (Note: Remember this is for backup to a Linux based Rsync Server; a Windows based Rsync Server cannot authenticate!)


--delete   -    delete remote files that are deleted locally.


/cygdrive/d/Data    -    in this example means D:\Data.


agnello@192.168..244::agnellobackup    -    is the user ID, hostname (can be IP address if over Local Network), and the module connection name (in this example 'modulename').


Now to create the password ( same as /etc/rsyncd.secrets ) on the windows client for passwordless login


Go to C:/cygwin/ run cygwin

 Go to cd /

Create a secret ( vi secret ) with content  agnello   give it 600 permission



Now create a  scheduled tals to rund every day  ( if you want to run it in minimized mode , create short cut of the batch file --- go to its properties ---- run minimized





Windows File Sharing (Samba )

Windows File Sharing (Samba ) module


apt-get install samba samba-client


add  a work group


Edit the smb.conf file:

vi /etc/samba/smb.conf


search for security and uncomment it to look like this

security = user


In the section [homes] change from  writable = no  to yes


/etc/init.d/samba restart


Adding Samba Shares


( share 1)

mkdir -p /home/shares/generalfolder


edit etc/samba/smb.conf append to the end of the line



  comment = All Users

  path = /home/shares/generalfolder

  valid users = @users

  force group = users

  writable = yes


adduser agnello  users

/etc/init.d/samba restart


#smbpasswd -a  agnello



(share 2 )

* This option is for the  technicalsupport dept users  

mkdir –p /home/share/technicalsupport

addgroup tecnicalsupport


edit etc/samba/smb.conf append to the end of the line



  comment = only technicalsupport

  path = /home/shares/technicalsupport

  valid users = @technicalsupport

  force group = technicalsupport

  writable = yes


adduser Rodney  ( if user is not created )

useradd   rodney  -G technicalsupport

/etc/init.d/samba restart



sysv-rc-conf --level 235 samba on

for testing purpose
#testparm ( enter)
#smbclient -L //localhost -U swapnil


Installing jabber chat server

Installing  jabber  chat server module



#apt-get install jabber


# /etc/init.d/jabber stop



configuration files are located inside the directory /etc/jabber


edit the file /etc/jabber/jabber.cfg to have your hostname



JABBER_HOSTNAME (which is then passed to jabberd in the -h switch)



Now we can start the server up


# /etc/init.d/jabber start


The roster lists are all maintained upon the server side, in a directory beneath /var/lib/jabber named after the servers hostname.


To check the logs


tail -f /var/log/jabber/record.log



now install the chat client on a windows PC


how to telnet localhost 143

test:~# telnet localhost 143
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
a login user2
a logout
hope this helps !!!!


port forwarding to access internal pc from exteral network

if your computer is and and it connects to a router for internet connection with eth1 ( ) and eth0 ( ) , and now you want to access the the PC through remote access from a 192.168.0.X network on port 3389.. type the following command
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 3389 -j DNAT --to

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 3389 -j ACCEPT

/etc/init.d/iptables save

hope this helps all !!!



how to block gtalk on gmail

In /etc/squid/special_url add the following
and in squid.conf add the following
acl special_url dstdomain "/etc/squid/special_url"
and deny acces to special_url
http_access deny  special_url


ftp error: 500 invalid port connection

I am trying to access a ftp server . I am able to connect to it with the user name and password. However when i connect to the server and do a dir i get the following error. 
C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>ftp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Connected to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
220 Microsoft FTP Service
User (XXX.XX.XXX.XXX:(none)): user-name
331 Password required for user-name
230 User user-name logged in.
ftp> dir
500 Invalid PORT Command.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
I got a fire wall running and i have opened port 21, The entry in the iptables is as follows .
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
Answer :
Passive ftp

A PORT command is again issued, but this time it is from the server to the client. The client connects to the server for data transfer. Since the connection is in the same sense as the original ftp connection,  passive ftp is inherently more secure than active ftp, but note that this time we know even less about the port numbers. Now we have a connection between almost arbitrary port numbers.

Enter the ip_conntrack_ftp module once more. Again, this module is able to recognize the PORT command and pick-out the port number. Instead of NEW in the state match for the OUTPUT chain, we can use RELATED. The following rules will suffice:

iptables -A INPUT     -p tcp --sport 1024: --dport 1024:  -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 1024: --dport 1024:  -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

add the following to the kernel  
modprobe ip_nat_ftp


restricting SSH or port 22 from external network

If you have a network like the following :

Eth0 = ( or public IP )   gateway

Eth1 =


Client pc of network class 10.X should be able to access ssh but not from 192.168.0.X network  then do the following :


First check the /etc/services ---- >  look for port 22


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22  -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp --dport 22  -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128


all packets that come to eth0 get redirected to our squid application on the same server that works on port 3128 and  you need to configure the squid server to block port 22  

 Similarly you can block for various other ports !!!


squid -- denying a specific sites and specific IP

line 1. acl special_client src < type here ip ranage or single
ip address or multiple ip separted with single space )

line 2. acl special_url url_regex -i ( type here webaddress
separated with | e.g.| , last webaddress should not have
any | (pipe))

line 3 http_access deny special_client special_url

line 4 http_access allow marketing ( or whatever ip address range)

If any confusion while implementing these acl please feel free to contact us
any time



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