Network trouble shooting
1.Curl –I dipply http stayi of you website
2.netstat –an will tell the TCP ports that your server is listening .
3.netstat –nr will diplsy routing table also can use route –n
4. server connectiveit can be issues when iptabe is on or off /etc/init.d/iptables status
5.trace route tell you the hot it takes to the partaicuar IP address … traceroute –I xxx.199.113.27. Sam as tracert in dos.
6. tcpdum
DNS trouble shooting
1.Nslookup (willgive you the reverslook up of domain name )
2. whois ( willgive you detiaon on the owner of the domain)
3.last -100 ( will thell you how has log in last on your server )
4.who ( willtell you who is currently loged in )